So here it is, the FIRST giveaway I’m trying from my own website… I hope you’ll visit my site, have a look around and enter the contest!
I can’t quite believe my own “techiness” (spellcheck didn’t react to that at all; that’s really a word??? OMG) sometimes lol. Well, to be honest, I had a little help from Evan Courtright, who’s the Supreme Techmeister (Really? No reaction there either? My spellcheck must be having a spa-day) with Atmosphere Press, creator of this website and follower of all my eye-rolling ideas lol. Thanks Evan, you’re the bomb!
Because it wouldn’t be a successful blog without a bit of rant, here’s mine for today:
Do you have any idea how hard it is to gift E-books from Canada? My original idea was to do just that, 10 or 12 ebooks from Amazon so that I could include Canadians, as we are excluded from book giveaways on Goodreads (who would have been my first choice). Turns out we can’t do that here in Canucksville…. that can only be done within the USA or other select countries. So, sneaky kid that I am I went into my American Amazon account to see about doing it from that route. SHUT DOWN in my tracks! If I’m going to do that it turns out my IP address has to be from within the USA and can only gift to within the USA. What the hell!? This is the freakin internet and I can’t shoot a little e-book file anywhere I want? ARG! Further to that, why is none of this internet stuff not available to Canadians? We obviously use it, support it and like it and what do we get for that? Nothing I wanted to accomplish with this contest!
So I was basically left with 2 equally-irritating-and-stupid-and-not-going-to-happen choices; either send out PDF’s (Holy Bad Copywriting Breaches Batman!) or buy people e-gift-certificates (because what’s stopping them from using it to buy someone else’s book instead? That’s right, nothing). After some self-medication of the Pinot Noir varietal I came up with the plan you see before you and you will have to take a little walk or follow a little link to my website where the magical book-give-away will take place.
Things just shouldn’t be this complicated these days. I hope someone at Amazon or Goodreads reads this and realizes the opportunity they could be grabbing while making things a little easier for us tech-challenged indie-authors up here in Canada.
Thank you for dropping in again; it’s always good to share thoughts and I hope mine are at least a little bit interesting. I always welcome your input so please feel free to leave a comment!
TTYS, sm.