I am, that’s who!
I bet everone’s ready to see at least some of our pre-pandemic lives return, yes? Sure, there are parts that we don’t miss but let’s focus on the awesome things that we just took for granted because they were such a common part of our day/week/month… And now, at long last, they are returning.
I received an email yesterday from one of the store managers in a large chain of stores telling me that the return of Author-Signing events is returning very soon and that we’ll look at a date as soon as she has the firm go-ahead. How frickin-fantastic is that? Very!
I kinda thought that launching a book during a pandemic was going to be brilliantly opportunistic… apparently, so did everyone who ever thought about writing or finishing a book LOL. The result was about a billion new book releases per minute; the hard copies were stuck in transit somewhere due to supply chain issues and the e-books were all just floating around in cyber-space competing madly on social media for just the tiniest morsel of your attention. Book launches were, at best, anything you could pull together over a zoom meeting and any public appearance was against all “the rules”. And so, it turned out that my launch, like so many others, was a bit anticlimactic to say the least.
To celebrate what may be a light at the end of the tunnel of covid I raise a glass of bubbly to everyone remotely associated with books (and ESPECIALLY for those who support us all with their purchases & attendance at the events!), CHEERS to us! I’m also super-excited to FINALLY be booking the signing events and looking forward to the Meet & Greets that authors & bookstores have been robbed of for over two years now.
Yes, normal will be so welcome!!!
Stay tuned here, on my blog, for event dates, or catch my instagram feed at Sue’s Instagram Feed (which also feeds My Book’s Facebook Page).
Thank you for stopping by, drop me a line here to tell me what you’re craving to be “normal” again is! TTYS, sue.